Above is a link for watching an art hub video on how to draw an owl.
After feeling confident in drawing your owl by breaking it down into its basic shapes, try a continuous line drawing.
A Continuous Line Drawing is when you:
1. Draw but don’t lift up your pen when drawing… everything is connected.
2. Just letting the pen move freely & then filling in each spot with color.
Project 2
Artist Pablo Picasso’s one liner drawings of owls.
Blind Contour line drawing is an excellent way to train the eye to draw. It is a simple way to hone student’s observational drawing skills. The idea is to draw the outline of an object. (Just like tracing the outside of a person with chalk). When making a blind contour drawing, the eye is not watching the hand as it draws on the paper.
At first, just draw the outside shape of an object. Don’t draw the object’s details. When you get comfortable drawing the object with looking at the object and then at your paper, then try drawing the object without lifting up your pencil. When you become comfortable with drawing the object without lifting up your pencil, next draw the object without looking at your paper but just looking at the object. Some people put something over their hand so that they can’t see what they are drawing.
Practice. Use a dry erase board or chalk if handy. If not, put shaving cream, dirt, sand, or steam on a flat surface (could be a plate, counter, mirror, window or baking pan. Draw into the surface.
Use objects that are familiar and that you could understand in terms of the basic shapes that make it . Choose an object to draw (a door, a book, shoes, window, stuffed animal, person, plant etc.).
Blind contour drawing is an excellent way to train the eye to draw what it really sees rather than what it thinks it sees.
The first contour drawings you do will look, well, funny. However, with practice, you will find that you will be able to accurately record an image on paper without looking at your hand as it draws!
It is a great warm-up drawing activity for any age group.
What You Need: Pencils, Paper, Everyday Objects (shoes, plants, desks, pencils, people, etc.)
What You Do:
Pick a point on the object where the eye can begin its slow journey around the contour or edge of the object. Remember, the eye is like a snail, barely crawling as it begins its journey.
When finished, feel free to color in your picture.
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